Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Net Worth, Income, and Media

In New York, everywhere you look is CNBC and Bloomberg. Both tout how their viewership has high net worth and income. With all the captive audiences on trading floors around the world, that isn't a far-fetched claim. For the most part, though, all I ever see on those two channels were GEICO commercials. The interesting part is that as a percentage of viewership, does better than both CNBC and Bloomberg at attracting people with household incomes 100k+ (44% versus 40% and 38% respectively). One can do better than that if you can convince, Neiman-Marcus, or to let you advertise on their sites which attract 56%, 41%, and 52% respectively of 100k+ household income viewership as a percentage of total viewership.

I would have included in this comparison but the data source I used was quite US-centric.

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