A recent post on Scirra claimed that reusing long-lived objects was an ingredient to good JavaScript garbage collection behavior. That made me curious. This claim is generally true when the garbage collector in question is a generational one. Generational garbage collectors split the heap (memory from where all non-stack allocated things are allocated from) into several "generations". The "generational assumption" is that short-lived objects tend to be collected more frequently than long-lived objects in the heap. Upon each garbage collection, any objects which aren't collected can be promoted to the long-lived generation. The idea is that by running garbage collection less frequently on longer-lived generations, garbage collection can feel more responsive.
The problem is that generational garbage collection isn't universal. It isn't the most responsive form of garbage collection or memory management either (concurrent and incremental garbage collectors are more advanced and optimized for realtime/low-latency applications). Furthermore, although generational garbage collectors for the major browsers are in the works [Firefox, WebKit/Safari], it appears that currently only Chrome deploys one in the release browser. In fact, Chrome V8 cites generational collection as one of the main features of V8 enabling high-performance JavaScript. Around 7/20/2012, Mozilla added an Incremental Garbage Collector to Firefox 16, which reduces GC pause times by incrementalizing collection rounds, but this says nothing of and does not rely on the generation assumption. In Lisp (the first implementations of "generation" garbage collectors by Lieberman and Hewitt [PDF] and Moon [PDF]), Smalltalk (one of the first languages with generational collectors [David Ungar's paper Generation Scavenging: A Non-disruptlve High Perfornmance Storage Reclamation Algorithm, PDF]) and the higher-order typed language work (Haskell, OCaml, Standard ML, etc.), we have been using generational collectors for quite a while.
The Scirra post suggests attempting to avoid garbage collection, but that is a very tricky matter. I think the realtime performance of such an approach would be very sensitive to the design of the garbage collector and any related heuristics. Moreover, if JavaScript interpreters move beyond generational collectors at some point, programming styles exploiting the generational assumption won't have the same payoff as before.
Continue to Part 2 in this series where I introduce profiling and benchmarking features in the Chrome V8 garbage collector.